Obsidian v1.5.12

Take Control of Your Thoughts: Unleashing Your Knowledge with Obsidian for Mac

Obsidian is an application for note-taking that allows you to form a connected web of your thoughts, ideas, and information. Unlike common note applications, Obsidian emphasizes flexibility and customization choices so you can create a system for managing knowledge that is special to you. Users can create a web of connected notes, making it easier to explore the connections between ideas and concepts. Let's look into how Obsidian can change the way you arrange and move through your knowledge.


While Obsidian shines with its unique features and nature, it might not be the perfect fit for everyone. Here are some alternatives to consider,: Evernote, Onenote, Google Keep, Joplin


Introduction: A Glimpse into the Obsidian Galaxy

Obsidian, made by Obsidian Labs in 2015, started as a simple Markdown writing editor but included an intriguing feature: backlinks. These hyperlinks enable individuals to connect their notes, creating a network of understanding that assists them in discovering new connections between concepts and enhances their comprehension. With the progression of time, the initiative overseen by a collective transformed into an efficient tool that is simple to operate. This tool became popular with writers, academics, and people who love to learn from everywhere in the world. It lets you take notes and link them together, understand how various ideas are connected, and navigate smoothly through your network of knowledge. is a cross-platform application available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.


Why Choose Obsidian for Mac?

Mac users seeking a truly customizable and open-source solution for their note-taking needs will find Obsidian uniquely compelling:

Unmatched Flexibility: Ditch rigid structures and hierarchies. Craft a knowledge management system tailored to your unique workflow and thought process.

Powerful Backlinks & Graph View: Visualize the relationships between your notes, uncovering hidden connections and sparking new insights.

Local-first Philosophy: Your notes reside securely on your Mac, giving you complete control and avoiding vendor lock-in.

Extensive Plugin Ecosystem: Supercharge your Obsidian experience with a vast array of plugins for mind maps, flashcards, calendars, and much more


Features Deep Dive: Unveiling the Power of Obsidian for Mac

Markdown: Write and format your notes with ease using the versatile Markdown language, a widely adopted standard.

Backlinks: Create meaningful connections between your notes, fostering a dynamic knowledge graph that reflects your unique thinking process.

Graph View: Visually explore the relationships between your notes, gaining a holistic understanding of your knowledge base and identifying potential connections.

Daily Notes: Capture your daily thoughts, reflections, and tasks seamlessly with the dedicated daily notes feature.

Kanban Boards: Organize projects and tasks visually with intuitive Kanban boards, perfect for tracking progress and achieving goals.

Themes: Personalize your Obsidian experience with a wide range of customizable themes, catering to your visual preferences.

Mobile App: Access and manage your notes on the go with the Obsidian mobile app (available for iOS and Android), ensuring seamless continuity across devices


Getting Started with Obsidian on Mac: Your Gateway to Knowledge Mastery

Download and Install: click the download link and install.

Create Your Vault: This is your personal knowledge repository. Choose a location on your Mac to store your notes.

Start Taking Notes: Embrace the power of Markdown to write and format your ideas freely. Don't hesitate to experiment and explore!

Connect Your Thoughts: Utilize backlinks to weave your notes together, forging a web of interconnected knowledge.

Explore the Community: Join the active Obsidian community forums and Discord server to access tips, inspiration, and plugin recommendations.


The Obsidian License

Only two licenses exist; the free license allows personal use with complete feature access. For commercial usage, there is a 14-day trial available; after this trial, purchase is necessary to maintain access. Additionally, any Add-ons require separate purchases.


Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Connected Thinking with Obsidian for Mac

Obsidian transcends the boundaries of a simple note-taking app, offering Mac users a unique and empowering knowledge management experience. Its flexibility, open-source nature, and robust feature set cater to diverse needs and workflows. Whether you're a writer, researcher, student, or simply someone seeking to organize your thoughts, Obsidian for Mac stands ready to unlock your full potential.

Start your journey into the Obsidian galaxy today and unlock the power of connected thinking!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is Obsidian for Mac free to use?

Yes, Obsidian for Mac is entirely free and open-source, offering unrestricted access to all its features.

Q2. Do I need coding experience to use Obsidian?

While basic Markdown knowledge can be helpful, Obsidian is designed to be user-friendly for beginners. Start exploring and learn along the way.

Q3. What are some popular plugins for Obsidian on Mac?

Popular plugins include Mind Maps, Calendar, Excalidraw, Flashcards, and many more. Discover endless possibilities by browsing the community plugin directory.

Q4. Is there a mobile app for Obsidian?

Yes, there are mobile apps available for Android and iOS, allowing you to access and manage your notes on the go.

Q5. How does Obsidian compare to other note-taking apps?

Obsidian differs from other apps by prioritizing flexibility, local storage, and backlinks. It's more akin to a personal knowledge management system than a simple note-taking app.



previous version

Name Date Version Downloads
Obsidian December 26th 2023 v1.5.3 162.95 mb
Obsidian March 19th 2024 v1.5.11 175.50 mb
Obsidian February 22nd 2024 v1.5.8 175.39 mb